Resource Links

“Playtime? Playtime!!”
What Happened To My Well Mannered Puppy?
It can happen – your lovely, well behaved puppy can do some crazy stuff! Learn how to handle it here.
What Can I Expect in My Dog’s Adolescence?
All pups grow up eventually – and like teenagers they can test your limits to see what they can get away with. Read more on what to expect and how to prepare yourself
The hum of the fan, the sound of a passing car, washing machine spinning, oven timer beeping… individually your dog may not react to them, but together they can cause stress to accumulate. Read more on identifying the triggers and methods to defuse the stress before your dog gets overwhelmed.

“I’m a little scared, but a lot excited!”
Useful advice and tips for the first few days of bringing home your new best friend

“Hi Brother!!”
Introducing New Dogs: A Step-By-Step Guide
If you’re bringing a new dog into your pack then don’t leave things to chance. Follow this simple step-by-step guide to harmonious introductions.
Owner Surrender Form (PDF) | Word (DOCX)
Please use this form if you need or are looking to surrender your animal. Whilst we typically are unable to accept owner surrenders, but when we can, we want to help. Please fill in this form and email it to [email protected], and we will get back to you if we have additional questions or feel that we can help.
We also recommend contacting Citizens for a No-Kill Philadelphia as they send out their owner requests forms to various local rescues.